Feedback on the "Новое Тело" project (04.07.21.- 01.08.21)
For reference:
My personal reasons for joining the project were as follows:
- To improve my knowledge and understanding of my body, to become better able to feel it and its needs; learn how to meet these needs more adequately, for instance, how to become better able to overcome my craving for sweets and drop the habit of "eating up the stress."
- To try and find some means for improving my overall health, so as to go through my senior years with dignity, I mean, in a calm, controlled way.
Now as the last week of the "Новое Тело" project is coming to an end I am absolutely sure the project has been a success and has definitely surpassed my expectations.
- Loss of excess weight: - 7kg [73 kg (July 5th)-66kg (July 30th)].
- My crave for sweets, pastries and cakes has gone: I have not been eating anything sweet since July 8th and do not feel tempted by cakes, rolls and sweets every time I see them in a shop or a café as it used to be before.
- New knowledge and experience:
I had practised
navel breathing and
embryo breathing before but now this was the first time I was doing so with clearly set aim to feed my body while fasting for health reasons. BiGu
ShiQi has been not only effective, but also surprisingly easy to realise: I did not have to fight with myself as regards food restrictions and limited meals at all.
- I appreciate Teacher Ilona`s precise explanations about what we are breathing in and out, what the breath has to be aimed at, and how to breathe.
- What I found especially helpful were the demonstrations of breathing, when Teacher Ilona repeatedly breathed together with the group making it clear how to do this correctly.
- What I liked very much was the practice-ritualized start and end of the day. The 9 p.m. meditation was crucial for my discipline – had I not been busy with meditation, I might have tried to eat something, which we were asked not to do after 6p.m. Besides, it was so pleasant a feeling when Teacher Ilona like a loving mother, put us to sleep with heartfelt good-night wishes. Thanks a lot for this!
- I consider navel breathing and embryo breathing for ShiQi the most important thing that I have gained from the project because I see these exercises have a future for me.
- 4. Practising U-Sin5 has enabled me to better feel my 1st DT-related organs. For example, during the Morning practice on July 23rd I was "eating" the moonlight coming in through the navel and going into the kidneys, could clearly feel how the kidneys were taking it in.
I can establish and feel the connecting tubes between the red ball and the 1
st DT organs much faster than before.
So, I consider this experience of Image Medicine has been fruitful, because I feel much better about my urinary system, and intestines.
5. Attitude to my body. Here I would like describe the results of the Individual Consultation. During the Consultation the Teacher masterfully helped me to realize the New Image of my body, which I hardly could believe in; so surprising it was.
However, this realization had an immediate consequence on my physical body – after I stood up from my seat after the consultation felt my body posture had literally changed - become more correct, more stately. (I usually experience a similar phenomenon after practising the 1stTree for 45 minutes or longer, but this time the effect has been long – lasting; I still feel like this). Besides, I feel I have become also more confident and somewhat more womanly, perhaps: I bought a new dress and spend some time in front of a mirror enjoying myself, which is not my habit at all, but now I liked doing so…
I am very grateful to you, Ilona, for recommending Galina – so far I have had 4 marvellous sessions of lymphatic drainage massage with her and every minute of them has been a treat to my body and soul as she is both a real professional and a great personality.
To summarise, I really feel the project should be given second (and third and more) life, because the Ci gun, U-Sin5 practices, and Image Medicine involved in the project address numerous health and psychological issues.
The most heartfelt thanks to you, our unique, devoted Teacher Ilona, for your patience, your encouraging, subtle manner, which, enabled me to get exactly what I needed and what I was able to take from these practices.
I am definitely going to join the BiGu ShiQi on Mondays and Tuesdays.
All the best for the future of this project and "Gleznas" !