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Transformational trip-retreat

9 temples of dedication

The retreat is led by Ilona Alekseeva (ON Academy)

and Valeria Vergunova - quantum sound healer

In this retreat we will conduct a series of initiations, initiations into the ancient knowledge of the Golden Age, shifting the time-spatial-vibrational framework preserved from the Atlanteans through the civilization of Ancient Egypt on Earth.

Preparation for the retreat follow the link.

Only those who have completed this program will be able to participate.

March 16 - 24, 2024


Women – 500 €

Men – 1000 €

Information: The language of the event is Russian – English.

From March 1 to March 3, 2024, practice will be held to prepare for this retreat in Egypt.

Preparatory practice for participants of a future retreat is mandatory!



We invite you on a journey in which we help intergalactic divine souls remember and activate their multidimensional being as sovereign creators, direct descendants of higher civilizations, channels of the Creator on Earth.

It is time to remember our galactic and divine origins and unite as a family of Light.

In this retreat we will conduct a series of initiations, initiations into the ancient knowledge of the Golden Age, shifting the time-spatial-vibrational framework preserved from the Atlanteans through the civilization of Ancient Egypt on Earth. We, the retreat leaders and its participants, set goals to restore the crystalline flame of love in our hearts and become who we truly are - beings entirely of Light.

We invite you to a retreat
Leaders, seers, dreamers, builders, wisdom keepers, mystics, white crows remembering themselves in the spiritual family of divine humanity. We are no longer to practice alone, we are here to practice in spiritual community, inviting the Masters back to the earthly plane and soaring high into the sky to speak in the angelic and archangelic tongues of fire.
In practice we will go through
Golden age
The Golden Age of Novaya Zemlya. Pyramid Temples of Light. Activation of DNA, cells and light body. Activation of the pineal gland and body of Atlanta. Origin of the soul, mission, purpose. Special abilities of the soul from the time of the Golden Age, their application in today's world.
Multidimensionality of soul, body, time, consciousness. Awakening into the multidimensionality of the soul. Our Teachers and Mentors, emanating from the higher worlds. Restoring learning in ancient places of Knowledge, Light, Books, Libraries.


Connecting to the frequency of your divine soul to remember all your inner strength. Althea's initiations. Altea is a region of Atlantis (18-12 thousand years BC), from which the surviving descendants - the Nephites - moved incl. to ancient Egypt.
Census of codes
Census of abundance codes to attract events into life that correspond to the mission of your soul. Light structures that harmonize negative force with psychic, light, spiritual force.
Development of divine intuition. New initiates of the Throne and Heaven.


Conversation in the languages ​​of Light, Angels, divine Fire. Light and color therapy. Astromedicine. Light writing. Books from the Light. The rainbow is like a portal of entry.
Christ consciousness. Light bodies of the fifth dimension and higher universes. The reality of Light and Consciousness of the fifth dimension. Reincarnation of the body and temples is beyond the temporality of the body.
Are you ready for such a LIFE-CHANGING JOURNEY? Then register for the program in advance.
Main program

1st day. 16 March 24

Group gathering at the hotel.
08.00-09.00 – breakfast meditation on the Giza plateau.
09.00-14.00 – Dedication of 1 Sphinx, Great and Middle Pyramid.
Meditation with bowls. Note B (in a remote area of ​​the plateau).
Transfer to Saqqara.
15.00-17.00 – Dedication of 2 Saqqara.
Return to the hotel. Dinner. Practice with bowls.

2nd day. 17 March 24

07.00-08.00 – practice with bowls on the Giza plateau.
08.00-09.00 – breakfast, departure to Alexandria.
Kayt Bay fortress. Dedication of 3 crystal prisms.
17.00 – service in the Church of St. Sava.
Dinner in Alexandria.
Return to the hotel.

3rd day. 18 March 24

07.00 – practice with bowls on the Giza plateau.
08.00-09.00 – breakfast.
Cairo Museum. Dedication of 4 pyramidons. Zeitoun.
Almaz shopping center. Dinner.
Return to the hotel.
Practice with bowls.

4th day. 19 March 24

Early flight to Luxor (Egypt) – 06.15.
Flight duration 01 hours 05 minutes.
Temple of Hatshepsut. Dedication 5 in the Temple. Transfer to Abydos.
Accommodation in the meditative center “Flower of Life”.
Dedication to Osiris.
Practice with bowls.

5th day. 20 March 24

08.00-09.00 – practice with bowls in the Flower of Life.
09.00-10.00 – breakfast.
Temple of Hathor. Dedication 6 in the Temple.
Transfer and accommodation to Jolie Villa.
Practice with bowls.

6th day. 21 March 24

08.00-09.00 – breakfast.
Departure by boat to the Temple of Horus. Edfu. Dedication 7 in the Temple.
We return to the hotel.
Practice with bowls.

7th day. 22 March 24

08.00-09.00 – breakfast.
Departure by car to Aswan. Abu Simbel Temple. Dedication 8 in the Temple.
We return to the hotel.
Practice with bowls.

8th day. 23 March 24

Morning hot air balloon flight.
Temple of Karnak. Temple of Luxor.
Dedication 9 in the Temple.

End of the retreat.
Gala dinner.

9th day. 24 March 24

Flight Luxor-Cairo


Retreat Leaders
  • Ilona Alekseeva
    Head of Image School, Imageschool, ON Academy
    Author and teacher of methods for developing human abilities, energy therapy and imaginative thinking; trainer of qigong and energy information practices. I have been studying spiritual practices and developmental systems for more than 30 years. I take part in many international conferences in image medicine, psychology, and the development of human abilities and talents. I teach qigong, Taoist practices and conduct developmental trainings, marathons, deep meditation retreats, retreats and trips to sacred places. Certified Member of the Latvian Association of Holistic Medicine and Naturopathy. You can find out about developmental and in-depth programs on the main page of the site.
  • Valeria Vergunova
    Quantum Sound Healer
    Conducted ceremonies for more than 1000 people. She regularly visits places of power, retreats, and conducts healing rituals for energy hygiene and self-development. After 20 years of spiritual practice helping others through sound and quantum healing sound therapy. I am glad to share knowledge and transmit high-frequency energy for the benefit of humanity, planetary and cosmic evolution.
    During a sound bath with Valeria, you feel liberated from what no longer serves you, transformed and reconnected with your higher self. You can read more information about sound journeys and reviews on her website.
Trip organization
  • 1
    Beginning of the retreat
    – March 16 at 08.00 at breakfast on the roof at the Sphinx Golden Gate Pyramids hotel, Cairo, ways up Jimmy manager +20 100 095 0090.
  • 2
    Cost of living

    Accommodation at the Sphinx Hotel Golden Gate March 15-19, 2024:

    double room – 100 €;

    single room – 150 €.

    Accommodation at Jolie Ville Hotel and Spa Kings Island – 220 €.

    One night in Abydos – 40€.

    One night in Cairo from March 24 to 25 – 60 €.

  • 3
    Approximate retreat budget

    Flights from your city and back – check with air operators.

    Flight to Luxor 03/19/24 (until the 24th) – 170 €.

    Boat to the Temple of Horus – 100€.

    Participation in the retreat:

    for women – 500€,

    for men – 1000€.

    Additional meals – 200€.

    Tips for the caretakers at the pyramids – 100€.

    Transfer (we will travel by minibuses) – 100€.

    Entrance tickets to museums and churches – 100 €.

    We will be in a group and, accordingly, all expenses for traveling to temples and sacred places are divided into the group.

  • 4
    Non-refundable deposit
    To participate in the retreat you must pay a non-refundable deposit of 100€.
    An invoice will be sent after registration in the program.
The retreat is led by Ilona Alekseeva and Valeria Vergunova
women - 500 euros
men - 1000 euros.
To participate in the program, you must pay a non-refundable deposit of 50 euros.
It is possible to conduct individual consultations with Ilona during the retreat
To participate in the retreat, please fill out the application
What do participants agree on


  • Practicing members

    retreat participants can be practitioners of yoga, meditation, and various practices aimed at human self-development
  • Vegetarian food

    During the retreat we follow a vegetarian diet
  • Unified schedule

    the schedule drawn up by the presenter is the same for everyone;
    *if a retreat participant needs adjustments to the schedule, this issue is discussed personally with the leader
  • Respect for silence

    Silence, immersion in internal processes, keeping a diary, recording dreams, insights are encouraged (with the exception of joint practices, meals, birthday celebrations, etc.)
  • Individual creativity

    Individual creativity is encouraged at the retreat (drawing, singing, dancing, etc.) We ask you to take with you musical instruments, games, semi-precious stones, metaphorical and other objects with which you can do individual and group lessons
  • Natural ingredients

    priority is given to natural oils and creams prepared by practitioners. During the retreat, we do not use perfume or other active fragrances, replacing them with aromatic oils, incense, and aromas of nature
  • Sharing abilities

    retreat participants are happy to share their abilities in the group - for doctors, massage therapists, homeopaths, image therapists, astrologers, numerologists, vastu specialists, aromatherapists and other specialists in holistic human development;
    *if you are a certified holistic therapist, please tell the retreat leader about this
  • Taboo on swearing

    The use of obscenities, rude words and vulgarities is prohibited
  • Alcohol taboo

    we drink only ritual alcohol
  • Taboo on any smoking

    Smoking is prohibited in the retreat
  • Attitude to tattoos

    if a retreat participant has tattoos of a negative and destructive image or piercing, any other intervention in the body - before registering for the retreat, you must tell the leader about this and discuss participation in the retreat together
  • Health status

    if you have chronic, autoimmune and other diseases, imbalances of a physical, energetic and mental nature - you should discuss this with the leader before registering for the retreat